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Hirokazu Tanaka, Corporate Officer of Congress Corporation, served as instructor at Tokyo Metropolitan University’s “Open University” Fall Course

Hirokazu Tanaka, Corporate Officer of Congress Corporation, served as instructor at Tokyo Metropolitan University’s “Open University” Fall Course

 This course, geared for the general public, was jointly organized by 23 Tokyo City Association, a public interest incorporated foundation carrying out various initiatives for Tokyo’s 23 wards, and Tokyo Metropolitan University, a Public University Corporation.

 The series of 8 classes was entitled “Tourism & MICE Perspectives & Philosophy – Enhancing understanding of Tourism & MICE and their important roles in regional areas,” and featured instructors who are university professors or professionals in the MICE industry. Each instructor gave a lecture covering a broad curriculum in the respective fields, from the basic perspectives and ways of thinking with regard to tourism and/or MICE, through to conducting analysis based on actual cases.

Mr. Tanaka served as the instructor for the 7th class in the series held on December 1, under the theme; “MICE Case Study – a Conference Management Company’s perspective.” His talk included introduction of actual cases from Congress Corporation’s achievements, including the 2008 G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit and conventions held in Tokyo, among others.

The participants asked lots of questions and were keenly interested in Mr. Tanaka’s lecture. This highlighted just how high the level of interest in tourism and MICE is among the general public.
